
Thanks to my friends for all the presents :D
I really love it
Eventhough I know my best friend is still abit angry with me
but we are ok now
So i guess everything is fine between us already
That's a relief

In school, my friends told me that once i open the presents
I definitely won't study anymore
I was still wondering what will it be till i won't study
I keep asking my friends about what's inside
They just won't tell me
But I know got 1 box is chocolate
Cause last year she gave me chocolates too
So I guess it right
But the other one I still can't guess what it is

Then I told her if you don't wanna tell me I'm gonna open it now
Finally she said it's a cake with chocolate
But I knew she was lying to me
Who will wraps a cake as a present in a thin box?
Cake can't fit inside there

So I tried to open it
But it took me some time cause of the ribbons
My friend tied it till so tight
They seem so scare that I don't like the present or something
When I finally opened it
All of them come gathered at my place there
I was literally speechless when I saw it
I can't believe they bought me 2 Vampire Diaries novels
I can't even find a right word to describe my emotions
happy? touched? surprise?
But seriously I'm kinda touched
I know the prize of the novels it's kinda expensive
Well I hope it didn't burn a hole in their pockets when they pay for my presents

Anyway, I love you guys so much
Thanks for everything