I always use this in my essay for BM when I'm in primary school :
"Masa itu emas"
But sometimes you won't even realise that time past way too fast
I mean you didn't even feel like time is passing
For example:
When you online
You always say to yourself that you just wanna online a while
But when you look back at the time
It's already 2 hours gone
Seriously, why does the time past so fast when you online or doing something fun?
I just don't get it
In school
the time past damn freaking SLOW
Everytime I look at my watch
It's always a lot of time left for the period to end
The teacher will just keep teaching non-stop
Blah blah blah all the way
Even waiting for recess also needa wait so long
At that time, I just wish time can past faster
Okay. Let's talk about today
Since I've so long never touch my addmaths
I decided to some exercise today
I do read some notes before I do the exercise
Cause' can't really remember how to do it anymore
It's been ages never touch that book already
I just manage to study Form 4 Chapter 1 to 5
I've been doing just a few questions only
I look back at the time
3 hours gone
Time is definitely not our friend
It won't wait for us
I didn't realise I used that much time to solve a few addmaths questions
Thanks alot to the indices and logarithms
Solve until my head also wanna burst
I never ever like that chapter from the begining
too complicated with all the log stuff
Usually it will come on in paper 1
my 4 or 3 marks will be gone D:
Cause I always can't solve that question
Oh right
Not to mention differentiation, integration, vectors, trigonometric.
All the topics that I'm not good at
Even sometimes I can't even solve the progressions questions
Disappointed at myself
Exam time is seriously stressful
Brain not functioning well
I will only saw my mistakes after my exam
Guess i panic or something if i can't solve something
Hope it won't happen during my SPM
I wanna thank my sis for the wish and the advices
I miss you
Come back to Malaysia soon ya :D
I know you are busy working
Take care!
The most scary thing is
my mom has high expectation from me
You gotta be kidding me
I'm not a genius you know
She said: Please don't embarrass me. A lot of people will definitely ask bout your results.
This is just great.
More pressure now
Enough talking.
I can do itttttttt