My Life Sucks

This is sucks!
Why all these stuff is happening to me?
Everytime also like this
Everytime i have something important that i need to use my phone
My phone's credit will be expired

Everytime it's the day before my friends birthday only my phone's expired
Not only one friends
Most of my friends birthday also my phone's credit will be expired!
I wanted to wish them
And some it's like almost every year also so coincident that day my phone's credit expired
They were think that I forgot their birthday but actually I didn't
It's because
my life sucks!
Everytime so bad luck that day phone's credit expired!!!
Any other day that I didn't really use my phone it didn't expired
When someone birthday is coming it sure gonna expired that day!

When my best friend text me and ask me please come to school tomorrow
But it's already like 2.00am in the morning
When i wanna reply her to tell her that I can't go tomorrow cause nobody fetch me
And Guess what?
My phone's credit expired!
I already made her angry once
If i didn't reply her and tell her I can't go tomorrow
She'll gonna angry at me again
Cause I know she wanted to gimme the present
And everytime I didn't show up
Definitely she'll be mad at me
But I told her in her facebook that i can't go
But i don't think she got login to her facebook this few days

Oh well
what can I do ?
My life always end up me being scold and being dislike by others
It's not like I want it to be like this
Just hope my best friend won't be angry at me anymore
But as I know she still is now
All I can say now is SORRY!