Secret Santa...

I normally dread Secret Santa's. Buying for someone you work with, but don't really know and being limited to spending $5.

I love buying presents and try to buy things that I know will be loved, not cheap joke presents. So I find the concept of Secret Santa difficult...and I always over spend!

This year for Nick Christmas work function I was lucky. I got someone I know relatively well, and knew immediately the perfect gift. I know she loves her OPI's so I ordered her a China Glaze polish. Lubu Heels.

My secret santa knew about my nail polish obsession as well. They gifted me a pretty purple polish from Bling and some polish remover wipes.

It surprised me. I'm not really keen on purples, but I loved the colour on me. It made me want to run out and buy more purple polish. It also applied smoothly, this was 2 coats.