College Life #1

I can't online for few days due to no line
And my stupid useless laptop won't connect to the wifi
I'm gonna die soon if this keep go on and on D:
I felt weird if I didn't online for just 1day
It's like I don't know what happnening around the world. LOL
Feel so out-dated

And I know I didn't update my blog regularly like how I used to do last time
But sorry to say that I won't have time to keep updating it too often
Maybe just once a week
Or if I'm hardworking I'll post few posts in a day
Cause my schedule is so pack everday.
Sometimes 8 classes a day with only 1 hour lunch.
Since college started, I've been very busy everyday.
Homeworks, assignments , presentations and etc.
It's not that I'm really hardworking doing all that everday .
But everytime when I reach my hostel all I wanna do is just eat and sleep.
The only time I can relax a while.

I always can't wait for Friday to arrive as I can go home on that day.
I do miss home so much. I miss my mum's cooking and everything.
Honestly, the food here sucks.
Plus, most of the stationary , junk foods, drinks and chocolates they sold here is quite expensive too.
Only some food is cheaper I guess.
I've spend a lot cause of the food and drinks here.
I think I use about Rm10++ everday. -.-
I'm gonna go bankrap soon like this.

Eventhough it's expensive sometimes I have no choice but to buy it
I think I'll try my best to spend less and save more money if possible
Just hope it's not the other way around.
All I wish now is to improve my english and vocabulary
My english is still not very good.
Cause A-level everything is in english, no using malay at all.
Even history is in english. How fascinating -.-
The Malaysian Studies lecture is the most boring one.

That the first time I see students talking, sleeping and doing their own whatsoever business there.
Usually other subjects lecture time they'll never behave like this.
But I really wanna salute the lecturer, Mr. Long
Eventhough no one really listen to him. He didn't scold or say anything but just continue teaching.
But he look a bit strict and scary. He don't smile at all.
So as I know now. GP will have lots of presentations soon. Yeshh. There will be individual one.
Ohmygod. I seriously hate presentations. I just don't like going in front of people and talk.
Public speaking is not my thing. LOL.
It just freak me out. But they say in uni you will have more presentations.

Now they are training us early so that we will be more prepare when we get to uni in the future.
Great. More presentations in the future. :/
I just don't understand why they need to do all those presentations.
Do we seriously need to do presentations when we're at work or something?
I think I'm gonna find a job that will do less talking and more working.
I rather work more than talk more.
It's not I don't like to talk. I just don't like to do it in front of people.
Hope I'll just get used to it soon

My classmates are all very nice. But I still can't remember all of their names. Sorry!
I have a bad memory okay.
But I can remember their faces . ;)
What I hate bout my class is all are girls. I think there's only 6 guys in my class. Lol lol
The feeling is just like going back to my old school. All girls.
No different at all.
But of course it's not really a bad thing.
I just don't understand why can't they make it balance or something.
So not fair ya know. xD

Anyway. It's fine to me. The boys don't actually talk to us though. They have their on world there.
So far I have no fav subjects yet.
Lecturers? Hmm. None also. LOL
But I like Bio practical time. Experiment is fun. Haha.
Microscope it's like a new toy to me.. xD
And our lecturer Mr. Denny Teh is cool too.
He has a Topman bottle? How cool is that .. :D

My least fav lecturer will be the Physics Practical lecturer. I forgot what his name is.
I don't understand why the way he dress is like he just came back from market.
It's nothing formal at all. He wore somekind of T-shirt I dont know how to describe , jeans and sandals ? -.- What the hell right.
So forget bout his clothing . He just extend his teaching time without letting us know.
He extend from 1 and half hour to 2 hours ++
When we told him that his time was over then only he told us bout that.
And every one of us is pissed with him
Can't believe have to see his face every Thursday
On that day we don't even have lunch break at all.
Thank god Chemistry was cancelled if not I won't have chance to eat

There is one Malay in my class. Her name is Fazlin ;)
She look so tiny and adorable.
She is the only Malay in my class.
But I kinda pity her. She don't have any Malay friends here and she can't eat most of the food.
All she eat everytime is bread.
Imagine yourself going to a school/college and your are the only one from your race.
Seriously I'll feel damn lonely and miserable studying in that particular school/college even you have some friends there.
It's not that i'm racist or something. I'm just giving example.

Cause she's been very quiet all the time.
She never really talk. Actually I do understand how she feel.
I've been in that situations before quite few times.
I've been with a group of Malays and I'm the only chinese.
And also with Indians and I'm the only one too. D;
I miss all my school friends now.
They are the best thing I have in life.
But I don't really hear from some of them already.
I hope they are doing good ;)