College Life #2

It's already the 3rd week that I'm studying here.
Life is not getting any easier I should say.
My class schedule keep changing and this is already the 3rd times!
It's okay that they change the time or something but they even changed my physics lecturer! OTL
Now the new physics lecturer is SUCKS.
I want back my previous lecturer, Miss Tam D;

He is seriously the worse lecturer I ever seen.
He didn't even teach us anything.
He don't use the slide to give notes or anything. Oh it's actually he didn't give us ANY notes.
All he do is give us questions and ask us to answer.
Please la. You didn't teach us anthing bout the topic how are we suppose to know how to do?
All he do is just ask us questions and stuff. He said physics doesn't need notes. WTF.
Go to hell la if you don't wanna teach us.
I seriously gonna fail my physics like this. I'm DOOMED.
Nobody understand what he's teaching or talking bout.
I hope everyone go complain bout him. I don't feel like looking at his face anymore again.

Staying in hostel is seriously making feel unhealthy.
Cause all the food they sold here is not healthy at all.
Most is fried. And I have to eat their food for 18 months!
Not to mentions all my breakfast, lunch and also dinner I have to eat there. Fml.
The other thing I don't like is the water dispenser .
The water there taste like pipe and chlorine. Lol
Even if you boiled it still will have the smell. Omg.
I think I'm gonna bring my own water go.
I don't wanna drink the water there anymore or else can die man.

So yesterday I went out with my friends to go Wangsa Walk Mall to have our lunch.
And that will be the second time I go there. 
Since we have 2 hours lunch break so we decided to go out instead
One of my friend has a car so she drove us there ;)
It takes only 15 minutes to go there.
After that we went to Tutti Frutti for desert .
When we go back time we actually forgot to pay the car ticket money! Lol
So one of them have to get out from the car and pay for it..xD
Thank God we make out way back to college just on time.
And we're not late for class . Haha

Gotta snap a pic before we leave :P

We all wore black on that day. What a coincidence. :D

Basically other lecturers are still consider okay to me.
Well of course except the Physics lecturer.
And Malaysian studies lecturer is abit boring too and also his face looks scary.
But no one really listen to him cause it was so boring. Pity him talking whole day.xD
I found out MS will be having presentations every week !!
Oh noooooo. D; I hate presentations. Maigod.
Why are you doing this to me, MS? Sighhhh ;(
This what I hate to do the most. I rather they gimme homeworks to do instead of this.

So during GP class yesterday. We have to present bout the media violence stuff.
And we even talked bout the horror movie called “Human Centipede” .
Ewwwww. Seriously so gross. 
It's about a crazy doctor who actually wanna create a human centipede and he sew his victim mouth to the other victim anus. Omfg.
I'll throw out or maybe pass out if I really go and watch this.
You guys should really try watching the trailer in youtube
Or if you dare can watch the whole movie.
I'm not joking. Seriously really disgusting.

We also did an experiment during chemistry practical time on thursday.
It's a titration experiment. Something similar like what we used to did in form 4 and form 5 time.
And the funny part is the teacher didn't realise we never wear our labcoat until we almost finish conducting our experiment. LOL
But still she asked us to wear it also.
And we are advice not to wear contact lens during practical time.
So I didn't wear it that day and my vision is abit blur.
I need to get a new specs cause my old one is useless.
My power is different now.

My favorite is actually bio practical time.
We did an experiment on onion and cheek cells. :)
It was fun and everyone been trying hard to get the cheek cells. XD
It's not easy to get it you know.
Sometimes all you get is just nothing but only your own saliva.
We need to scratch it out using the toothpick.
But at last I get mine. Not one but a few. :D
And the best thing about practical is time always pass faster !
I wish we have more practical time. Haha

Oh right. I just remember. 
We also did the pendulum experiment during physics practical.
It's also the same experiment like we did in school last time but just a bit different in apparatus.
And everyone needs to conduct their own experiment.
No more doing it in group anymore. 
Must do it on your own. 
That teacher ask us to do report and pass it up next week.
But he didn't teach us how to do. 
How am I suppose to do the report then? =.=
God. Someone help me!!