Harry Potter 7 ;

Finally I've watched what I always wanted to watch! 
Watched this with my babyboy ;)
Thanks for accompany me watching this eventhough you didn't really watch HP.  
Can't believe this is the end of harry potter. 

I've been watching harry potter since I'm young 
and I've read all the HP books written by J.K Rowling. 
I used to love Daniel Radcliffe last time but not now anymore cause he's not that cute already. Haha :P
What surprise me the most is Neville Longbottom which used to be the fat and blur kid is becoming so handsome now. LOL 

I rate this movie 4/5 stars .

Anyone who haven't watch this should go and watch ;D

Now they're all grown up. 
They're not the little kids anymore. ;') 

That Friday is the first time he accompany me till so late. 
We ate dinner together only he went back.  
That day is also the first time he steps into my college.
Andddddd...I sneaked him into my Chemistry class at the lecture hall there. ;P
Some of my friends noticed him but some didn't. Hehe.

So he accompany me till my class end. 
How sweet of him. Well. Actually I dragged him in. Lmao. xP
So nice if he can accompany me throughout my class everyday.
But I can see that he was so boring. 
Sorry that I didn't talk much to you during that time
I feel so bad D; 


He drew this for me during the Chemistry class.
And he put it inside my pencil case .
So cute right? ;P Hehe. Iloveyoutoobii <3 

That day is the best day ever for me.
Seriously don't feel like letting him go. Imisshimsomuch. 
And I found out something about him too.
He can't really eat spicy food. Hoho ..bendan :P 
And he loves ordering French toast everytime he goes to Oldtown. 
No wonder he's so sweet. 
He eat too much honey already. xD