Innovative Wave Washing Concept "Electrolux"

The aim of Wave washing is to optimize water and detergent consumption according to the contamination of the laundry. It controls the functions of your washing machine with the remote sensors reducing the washing load of your machine. This wave washer works in synchronization with your washing machine reducing the amount of water and detergent consumption and providing a better quality laundry wash.

The wave washer is equipped with smart ultrasound wave sensors that can detect the severity of the contamination or stains in your laundry, and will consume water and detergent accordingly to impart a better quality laundry wash. Pour measured quantity of water in the wave washer and place it on the contaminated area. Sensor of Electrolux Wave Wash will detect the severity of the contamination. The ultrasound vibrator will do the cleaning job, and warm air from the dryer will dry up the washed part.