OMG, Shahrukh Khan knee surgery ( operasi lutut )

Shahrukh Khan, India's famous popular artist with the song Chaiya Chaiya, reportedly suffered damage in the knee and must undergo surgery immediately. The operation was planned to be conducted in the last week of July in the city of Mumbai.

Dr Ali Irani, physician orthopedic surgeon who had also never have to do surgery on the shoulder Shahrukh Khan, explained that, as previously reported, Shahrukh Khan suffered damage to the tendons and ligaments of the knee. As a result of the popular artist through the film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai and Chaiya Chaiya must immediately undergo a special action that condition is not getting worse.

However, Shahrukh Khan today, are in excellent condition, because it is handled by highly skilled specialists who deal with muscle problems.

In addition, Andrew Leipus, one of the doctors who are also dealing with Shahrukh Khan, revealed that the artist who now has 45-year-old is expected to recover soon after surgery and underwent a series of medical treatments that doctors do.