Rarotonga: Part 1

We did so many awesome things and took so many incredible photos during our stay in the Cook Islands that I've decided the best way to share it with everyone is by splitting everything into days. Don't worry the wedding was day 4, so you won't have to wait too long! (If you can't wait to see the wedding pics email me and I'll link you to facebook)

Anyway the first day was getting up at 5am, reshuffling things in my suitcase and double checking I needed everything. I'm notorious for over packing...my suitcase weighed a lot more than it was supposed to. Luckily I got it down to size!

I think one of the awesome things about our trip was the fact that we were surrounded by people we care about and spent an awesome time with friends we don't get to see as often as we'd like.

Anyway we got up to Auckland airport and had to transfer from the domestic to the international. So here we are waiting for the bus. Mum, myself and my brother were 'lucky' enough to get in this picture taken by dad. Yup that cream bag is my wedding dress, mum didn't trust me to look after it! She even started referring to herself as keeper of the dress! I'll have to get her a t-shirt printed.

Keeper of the Dress
 The flight to Rarotonga was horrible for me. I had a sinus infection still and wow, it felt like my eye was going to explode from my head, my head was going to split open and my nose I can't even explain the pain. Darn pressure. After 3 cups of tea, 2 ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol the pain subsided enough for me to eat and watch Hop... The air steward gave me some awesome smelling oil stuff for landing, and it wasn't so bad as it could have been.

When we landed in Rarotonga it was kind of a shock.  It was hot, we had to walk on the runway to get to the terminal, the scenery was amazing and we were the only plane in.

Our plane right outside the door, while we lined up with everyone else to go through customs.
Going through customs was another shock. We had a lot to declare. Food, alcohol, medicines...They let us straight through.

When we got outside it was hotter than it had been in the airport! And we got lei'd. Nick and I got special ones as we were the wedding couple.

Outside the airport.
On the bus to the resort.
 The landscape of Rarotonga is very beautiful. Lush and green and palms everywhere.

From the window of the bus.
We got to the resort just in time to catch the sunset from our room. This is one of many amazing sunsets we saw in Rarotonga. Unfortunately there was some cloud cover that first evening, but wait until you see some of the others. Spectacular.

Sunset with cloud cover.
I can tell you we slept well that night. Well at least until the most awesome thunderstorm ever woke us up. When we get thunder and lightning in NZ it always comes with rain...normally heavy. This thunderstorm was just thunder and awesome lightning. It went on for ages out to sea. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the lightning...the air con was on too cold and I didn't want to leave my bed!

And a quick thank you to Beauty Behaved and nailsbycourteney from An Amateur's Nail Obsession who have both given me awards. I will post them, promise! It just might be a little later in the week.