Selena Gomez white dress beautiful pictures

Selena Gomez holds onto costar Joey King’s hand as they walk back on set of their upcoming flick, Ramona and Beezus.Selena Gomez was photographed on the set of her upcoming flick Ramona and Beezus holding hands with her cutie co-star Joey King. The two are dressed in beautiful white dresses, and we just love the flower in Selena's hair .Hey selena and joey you too are so cute i love you both selena i herd you were at canada vancover i live there i could not find you .
 Selena Gomez white dress
 Selena Gomez white dress
 Selena Gomez white dress
 Selena Gomez white dress
 Selena Gomez white dress
 Selena Gomez white dress
Selena Gomez white dress