Wow, Pope (Paus) Benedict uses iPad | photo

Pope (Paus) Benedict XVI (84) sent directly from the iPad. An extraordinary advancement of a Pope Benedict. Users can now receive photos, videos and latest news about the Vatican through the latest applications.

In addition, these religious leaders also became the first pope to send a twit in Twiter. The appearance of the Pope in social media is simultaneously launching an online portal that contains everything about the Vatican.

Through this new portal as written Huffingtonpost, papal event can be witnessed directly via live-streaming, audio via Vatican Radio, photos of L'Osservatore Romano and the printed text of the papal homily, statements and speeches can be obtained.

Pope Benedict's latest effort is done to spread the message on the internet audience. Project coordinator and officials of the Pontifical Council for Social Communincations Thaddeus Jones told the Guardian, "the Pope is very interested in new technology."