Remember 'that' surprise I was going on about...???

Well here it is!

Ladies and Gentlemen... may I introduce to you.... the one and only.... OPI My Private Jet... FLAMING ORIGINAL HOLO VERSION!!!!!!


So if you peeps read my haul post yesterday, you'l know that at the end I wrote I had skipped out a polish from my haul because it deserves a post of its own lol =] Now you know why??! =P

Basically I bought this polish from ebay without even knowing it was the HOLO version! Ok no I'm not stupid or anything.... but seriously if I may say so... I think the seller was! (although thank God he/she was!) =P

The seller had this polish listed along with OPI's Siberian Nights (which I showed you all yesterday) as a single buy. The description box had nothing to indicate that this was the original holo version or anything at all. Even the photograph was pretty bad so no one could tell which version it was.

I bought this because I simply wanted MPJ, and I wasn't looking for the holo version because I know how rare it is. 
Honestly I though I'd never get my hands on this beauty! I don't even have it listed in my wishlist lol because I thought who the heck is going to gift me with this and I'm not even going to try to buy it myself cos I'l just end up bankrupt if I do! =P

So when I placed my bids and within the last 20 seconds ended up snatching it up for myself at a very decent price, I was super super shocked (to say the least) that when I received it and saw it under the sun shining in through my window, that it was glowing ridiculously like a rainbow! 
So I did a little Google-ing and saw that the number on the bottom of my bottle was the same as another lucky girls original holo MPJ bottle. =]

Then suddenly I was dancing around my room clutching onto my own bottle screaming OMG OMG OMG! =P lol

Ok so enough chatter, lets get to the pictures shall we??! I took like a million photos and then spent ages trying to find the best ones to show... so please forgive me that there are so many =]

*Dooling all over my keyboard as I type this*

Blurred on purpose to show the flaming amazing rainbowy holo-ness! =]

I don't have any pictures of this on my nails yet because these photos were taken on the day I got it and I had a freshly done mani at the time. 
And also I want the sun to show up before I wear it, so hopefully I'l be able to show you a mani with this very very soon =D

What do you lot think of this polish? Do any of you own this holo version? Let me know how you got hold of it =]
